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Equality vs Equity

Updated: Jul 8, 2024

This morning I was on LinkedIN and there was a post from Workplace Gender Equality Agency that shared the national gender pay gap is sitting at 13.3% and it also included a breakdown state by state.

The comment section was really what caught my attention specifically, in the lead up to International Womens Day, was that the conversation needs to be about far more than Gender pay gap. with the theme of Embrace Equity, it's time we start looking at what people NEED not only what's FAIR.

I thought I'd try something a little different this week and send through a video of a snippet from a recent keynote about Equality & Equity.

If you'd like to watch, the key message is at the end. Stick with it.

You can also find the transcription below.

If this message resonated with you, please let me know. This can also be delivered over a 30min session to your team. Please reach out if you'd like me to speak with your team.

Until next time, Eat the Frog, Get the Worm, and Be the Bird as you navigate equality vs equity.


One thing I do want to leave you with two things I do want to leave you with.

These are my four boys, ain't they cute? Yeah they're all sloths up here, so they're in there in age order. So up here, I've got Max. So here's my firstborn child, one that made me a mum and then I've got Harvey, my second born, he's basically like a hurricane on legs. He's either saving babies or punching faces, and it's a real mystery as to what you're going to get.

My third boy there with the long hair is my sunshine child, the one that was high risk and is pure sunshine, glitter and rainbows every day of the week. And then the last one is Eddy, he's grown a little bit in hulk.

Now see that little blue stool? The bane of my existence, my eldest is nine, we have been brushing our teeth morning and night for nine years. teeth brushing time, still a surprise everyday. And as you can see, the first two are quite tall here, about this tall ones about to overtake the other one, it's gonna be some tears about that.

They're about this tall, they can reach into the sink when they're brushing their teeth. No problems. If you're a parent, and you've got young children that are brushing their teeth, you can see the problem. Then I've got the Blondie, he can't quite reach. He's also quite agile. So can boost himself up to go in the sink. Not 100% effective, but it gets the job done.

Then Eddy at the end, he cannot reach the sink because he is quite short for his age. And because he's the youngest. So he needs the stool to get up to be able to reach the sink. And I kid you not every morning and every night.

Every single one of my children wants to stand on the blue stool. They fight over it. It's ridiculous.

They don't all need the blue stool. Only one needs the blue stool. Perhaps one could do with a phone book. They don't make them anymore. And when it comes to leading your team when it comes to interacting with your team, it's not a one-size fits all. And this is the same for my children. It's not about equality. It's more around equity, giving them the stool that they need to do the work that they need to get done.


If you are interested in having Ally speak at an upcoming event or would like more information about Ally's Programs please book a call.

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