Curious Leader
Increase your leader's coaching capability, confidence and trust in the next 90 days
Why The Curious Leader Matters:
What worked in the past where management was command and control and directing staff on how the business worked can no longer sustain performance in today's rapidly changing, constant and disruptive economy. Leaders can no longer hold all of the answers.
In today's leadership, leaders and managers need to move to a model where support and guidance is key, rather than just providing instructions. The role of the leader is becoming that of a coach.
70% of respondents reported that their organisation lacked professional guidance on building a strong coaching culture, but that they need this. Sixty four percent of respondents said they don't offer but need ongoing practice development and/or supervision for internal coaches, and 63% said they don't offer but need standardised templates and processes for their coaching activities.
ICF 201:Building strong coaching cultures for the future
Made For More works with leaders to explore how they can implement coaching into their everyday leadership conversations to unlock people's potential and maximise their own performance across all layers of the organisation. You need to equip your Leaders and managers with the skills they need to have coaching conversations, every day. Organisations are investing in coaching capability for their leaders and managers to meet the future needs of the business, and role model personal development.
Having leaders and managers who actively embrace coaching, support and feedback as an additional leadership skill to use with their teams, individually and as a group are said to triple the likelihood that their direct reports are high performance. Employees who report to managers who coach effectively are 40% more engaged.
Research suggests that 74% of leaders do not offer feedback that allows employees to do better work or increase their effectiveness.
Leaders and managers who use coaching within their team, have robust relationships, are aligned to the future business direction and have clear lines of communication, meaning:
Communicating effectively with influence and impact
Collaboration across the business
Focus on performance
Personal Leadership Accountability, and
Employee retention
The Journey

Leaders at the situational level have developed their coaching to a mastery level. They can coach on the spot and apply coaching in a variety of scenarios. Individuals are aware of their goals and what to do next. Teams are achieving amazing results, communicating well, minimal conflict, and high retention.
Leaders at the structured level have implemented a number of coaching tools and techniques. They understand the focus and purpose of coaching. This is often applied in a structured setting such as a set 1:1 meeting or performance review. Leaders at this level need to focus on 'in the moment' coaching conversations and increase their comfortableness with fluid coaching conversations.
Leaders at the sporadic level, are just that quite sporadic. They go in and out of telling vs listening and questioning. They're still learning to apply coaching during conversations with both individuals and groups. Leaders at this level are building their capability and applying the skills to the events as they arise. Leaders at this level need to focus on their unique structure for coaching conversations to ensure they are more frequent and relevant.
Leaders who are stuck have learnt some coaching skills but are yet to implement them. Whether they're unsure, scared or playing it safe. These leaders need be willing to have those conversations. They need to focus on the next step of implementing what they've learnt and identify what the purpose (and payoff) is.
Leaders at this level are silent in their coaching as they've not yet learnt the tools and techniques to implement coaching within their teams. Leaders at this level who are looking to build their coaching capability need to focus on learning and building their knowledge.
By the end of the program your leaders will:
Understand what coaching is and when to use it in the workplace.
Gain some coaching tools that can be implemented immediately
Understand methodologies
Model the coaching behaviour
The top coaching questions to manage most situations
Be able to identify emotional cues to engage their staff
The Curious Leader program is ideal for:
Executive Leaders
Senior Managers
Team Leaders
New and Emerging Leaders
Project Managers
The Curious Leader program is NOT ideal for:
Businesses who want a "do as I say" culture
Looking for a magic solution without putting in the time and effort
Organisations looking for a tick and flick exercise

Listening is an incredibly underutilised skill for leaders and leaders who are looking to improve their coaching capability. Listening helps to understand what's not being said. Listening as skill increases Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and created a deeper level of understanding, of both the problem and the person.
Ask better questions, get better answers. Often leaders are in the position they are because they are technically great at a skill. To be a good curious leader is learning and understanding the best questions to get better answers.
Challenging is a key part of the curious leader. Often leaders have an idea of what is right (or wrong). When leaders are curious and challenging, they develop a deeper understanding of individual drivers as well as the ability to experience and share different perspectives.
When leaders are great listeners, and they can challenge thinking, the opportunity for what's next is limitless. Whether it's the individual they're coaching or as a group, opportunity lies in the 'what's next for you, for the team
Being able to listen and question what someone is say, and more importantly not saying (EQ) is incredibly important when if comes to understanding the needs of the individual or group, and also where to take the next steps as a leader who coaches.
When questioning and challenging intersect, there is a limitless possibility to what is available Whether it's an individual's performance and capability, or a team taking on a whole new challenge. Being able to challenge and question without judgement or an agenda unlocks limitless possibilities.
What participants say
It has all been extremely valuable! It has reignited my leadership energy which has been a lesser priority in recent times due to my dual role."

Fiona Turner - Chief Admin Officer, WCH
Ally is a great coach and I feel lucky to have worked with her. She has managed to empower me to go from confused to clear on where I want to head. She provides lots of great resources, encouragement, and is realistic but also knows when to give me the push to go for what I am made for!!
Donna Adams - Manager NDIS

Ally took us on such a great personal and professional journey. I am beginning a new career and Ally gave me the tools to feel confident and assertive. We learnt a lot about our individual personalities and how this can help us be productive and successful in the workplace. Ally was engaging and took the time to get to know us before the course which made it feel really personal. I walked out of the classroom each day with my head held high and my confidence boosted. A big thank you. I am no longer afraid to have courageous conversations!
Lucy Feltus - Manager, RSPCA SA

Ally is an authentic and engaging leadership coach with so much passion for what she does. Having heard her speak previously at a SheCreates event, we engaged Ally on behalf of Spence Club Inc to speak to our members about the Love Languages of Leadership. Hosted on the last day of a state-wide lockdown, the event was such a success, with members still referring to the learnings of the session and sharing what they learned with others. Ally brings so much enthusiasm to any workshop she delivers, and has no problem in keeping her audience captivated throughout. We were thrilled to be joined by her and look forward to hearing her speak at future events, each which offer bite-sized pieces of take-away information that's easy to remember and implement in our day-today lives. Thank you, Ally, from all of us at Spence Club!
Alexandra Paxinos - Spence Club

About Your Facilitator: Ally Nitschke
As an Executive Leadership Coach and accredited Life Design Coach, Ally Nitschke is uncompromising when it comes to results. She calls a spade a spade, a straight talking, pull-no-punches coach that works with leaders to cut through to the heart of the issues. As an NLPMaster Practitioner Ally combines her unique experience with Neuro-science to help leaders and organisations smash through their own limitations.
While most people instinctively avoid confrontation, leadership coach, facilitator and speaker Ally knows great leadership and the ability to communicate well are central to getting results.
With over 15 years of leadership experience working as a leader and partnering with some of Australia’s iconic organisations, Ally knows that being able to have Courageous Conversations are pivotal to a leader’s success. Having led large teams and small teams, and turning around toxic teams, Ally is an expert in bringing perceived tough conversations to the forefront and creating a culture of feedback and robust conversation which significantly reduces performance issues, increases productivity, performance and morale.
Following an ethos of prevention is better than cure, Ally teaches her unique incubator of resentment framework to businesses and organisations around Australia. Working with leaders to amplify their leadership capability, and value proposition and helping them create spirited company cultures and prevent performance issues before they happen.
​​Also a mother of four boys under seven, Ally can multitask like a boss. She's mastered the art of running a tight ship with military precision without compromising on creativity, collaboration, and fun. Ally believes in doing 'life on purpose', and brings that philosophy into everything she does at work and at home.​