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INTERVIEWING: Megan of Little M Sewing

Over the next several weeks (or months, we'll see how we go), i'll be interviewing some kick ass women for my blog series 'While they were sleeping'. Well be talking all things, kids, family, work and business. How these women are ''. No excuses.

This week i caught up with Megan. Megan and i have known each other for nearly 8 years (can you believe it Megan?!) Not only is Megan an amazing woman, mother and friend, she's also incredibly talented.

If you'd like to check out more of Megan's incredible work, check her out on the links below.

Instagram @mrs.jobson

Tell me a little bit about your work and/or business.

I don’t have a business, but am working in organisational development for a Government department. I work 5 days a week, but part time hours. I'm also about to start study for a Certificate IV in HR, so I'm about to be very busy!

How many children do you have, and what are their ages?

I have two children, both boys, one is 6 and the other 4.

Do you have a ‘morning routine’ and can you share it with me?

Definitely! I get up early, generally at 6am, though I try to get up earlier at 5.30 to fit in some exercise. I tend to have the same thing for breakfast to minimise the choices I need to make before I turn into a “fully functioning adult” at about 7am.

Can you walk me through a typical day?

There is no typical day in our household, though everything is planned out and roughly the same each week. Either myself, my husband or my mum will be responsible for taking the kids to school/kindy. If its not me, then I'm off to work at 7.30 until 4. If it is me, then I'm working at home until the kids need to be picked up. When I get home, its time to make lunches ready for the next day, bring in washing, unpack the dishwasher, and then make dinner and organise the kids for bed.

Once the kids are in bed, I generally try to fit in at least an hour of sewing before some time with my husband on the couch and early to bed!

Sometimes, though not too often lately, I try to squeeze in some exercise. This involves getting up at 5.30 though so its not happening much lately!

How do you fit raising children around working and/or running your own business?

Working part time and being able to choose my own work hours has been wonderful. Leaving a job where I had to track my hours in 6 minute increments and work for long hours has been such a life changer. It means I can generally be home at the same time each day and can leave my work at work. There’s zero emotional baggage involved in what I do now.

I schedule everything! We have a family calendar which means we can all see who is doing what on each day and don’t end up double booking our time. The benefit of this is that I can schedule in time for myself.

I also make all the lunches on Sunday and freeze them ready for the week to minimise the effort involved during the week when I have less energy. I also plan all my meals for the week and make sure I only purchase what I need for each meal. The benefit of this is that I know whats for dinner each night without making a choice and food doesn’t go to waste.

Planning is key – even deciding what your going to wear the next day can reduce the morning stress and make life so much easier. The more things planned in advance means there are less on the spot choices and less time wasted standing in front of the wardrobe or fridge trying to make a decision.

What do you do, just for you to fill your own cup?

Sewing! This has been my passion on and off for a number of years now, but its only recently that I have really invested solid time in it. It is my creative outlet. Working in HR means I'm getting my quota of “helping others” and working for government gives me a healthy dose of computer/paperwork time. So working on my creative side is so important to me. I try to make time at least 3 nights a week in my sewing space, be that planning projects, drafting alterations to patterns or actually getting things made.

And when I make time for this on weekends, I've noticed a difference in my kids. They see me doing something I'm passionate about and it seems to rub off on them. I've found my 6 year old writing his own comic books and my 4 year old making adventures with his cars. It encourages them to find themselves something to do rather than telling me they’re bored and relying on me to fix that for them.

What’s something you practice to get yourself out of a funk?

If I'm in a funk I find its best to take a break. If it’s a funk with sewing, exercise, socialising, or whatever, the best cure is to stop putting pressure on myself and have a break. Sometimes all I need is a week off to refocus and get back into it with a fresh perspective and much better attitude.

Do you have a quote you live by? And what does it mean for you?

Not really! I tend to feed off the positivity of others. I take inspiration from my friends. Seeing someone who believes in herself and follows her dreams is more inspiring to me than words. It makes me realise I can do things I love too and although its sometimes hard to fit it all in, its worth giving it a go and seeing what happens.

Thank you so much Megan! You're a woman after my own heart with all you're planning. Good luck with your studies, I know you're going to nail it! x


If you are interested in having Ally speak at an upcoming event or would like more information about Ally's Programs please book a call.

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