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INTERVIEW: FitM.U.M (My Ultimate Motivation)

Over the next several weeks (or months, we'll see how we go), i'll be interviewing some kick ass women for my blog series 'While they were sleeping'. Well be talking all things, kids, family, work and business. How these women are ''. No excuses.

First up i'm interviewing Kelly Delfos. I've known Kelly for several years now, she has trained me throughout two pregnancies. I ran my very first City to Bay (10 year bucket list item) with her guidance and training. She's an all round top trainer, but also an amazing woman and mother. Her dedication and drive to help women really value themselves and live a happy, healthy, and mindful life is what sets her apart from the rest. Kelly has built an amazing community of (mostly) women by believing that your vibe, really does attract your tribe!

You can check her out in all the usual places; but be warned, her bliss balls (recipe) are more-ish.

Website: //

Facebook: @fitm.u.msa

Tell me a little bit about your business.

I am the founder of FitM.U.M (My Ultimate Motivation). I am passionate about helping women prioritise and take control of their own health, happiness and fitness in a fun and friendly environment. I run a successful fitness training business and also a thriving and engaged online community. I offer personal training, small group training, nutritional and goal setting consultations and online programs and cookbooks. My goal is to motivate and inspire as many women, similar to myself, who are trying to do everything they can to be the most healthiest and happiest version of themselves.

I am also a co founder of My Nourished Lifestyle, An eco conscious, health and wellness business bringing a wide variety of products and monthly subscription boxes to the homes and lifestyles of Australians who want to learn more about living a healthy and environmentally friendly life.

How many children do you have, and what are their ages?

I have two daughters, Lily (age 11) and Indie (age 4)

Do you have a ‘morning routine’ and can you share it with me?

I have turned into somewhat of an early riser, due to my occupation in fitness and also my youngest daughter being an early riser. 5 days a week I am up at 5:30am and the other 2 days I am up by about 6:45am. I always start my day with a big drink of water (quite often with lemon or apple cider vinegar to help with my digestion, metabolism and detoxification). I do fasted exercise so I do not eat before I workout in the morning (some days it is a run or HIIT session or strength session).

After I have done all of that, I face the same morning rush as everyone else, getting the kids ready for school and kindy etc.

Can you walk me through a typical day?

As I mentioned, I am up early to train clients or to train myself. Followed by kids routine before we leave the house for kids drop-offs etc.

Then I am working with my fitness clients Monday to Friday and Satruday morning.

In any down time between clients I work on my business and just work my way though my to-do list.

I pick the kids up in the afternoons and depending on what extra curricular activities they have on we are usually busy until about 4:30 and then 3 nights a week I also have evening clients.

In general, my typical day is balanced between my business and children’s activities, however I always make sure I prioritise a small amount of me time for a workout and some down time (when I can).

How do you fit raising children around working or running your own business?

I integrate the two, my children have always been around my business and they like to be involved. I have a very supporting and hands on husband (check out who goes above and beyond and has taken on a much bigger role at home in the last 3 years which helps immensely. My children are obviously my priority, but I also run a very busy business which I am so passionate about so I am constantly thinking about my business but it never really feels like ‘work’! It’s all part of my life and they blend together nicely.

What do you do, just for you to fill your own cup?

I love to workout every day if I can, unless my body needs a rest day of course. These don’t have to be full one training sessions, just something that I can fit into my day and that moves my body and helps my mind. For me, exercise is as much about my mental wellbeing as my physical! It makes my day run a lot smoother. I also take time to enjoy some peace and quite when I can (I often have a bath or go for a walk on my own with no distractions).

What’s something you practice to get yourself out of a funk?

Allow whatever feelings you have, acknowledge them but don’t let them consume you. Process and move on. If I feel like I am lacking motivation or am just a bit down, I don’t force myself to do anything or beat myself up over it. I’m a pretty positive person so I can usually talk myself around.

Do you have a quote you live by? And what does it mean for you?

I kind of have two………

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

I am a big believer that positive energy attracts positive energy. The vibe you put out there will attract people that you want in your life with the same energy as you.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

This is something my Mum has said to me for as long as I can remember and if I feel myself getting worked up about something I really stop and think about what it is and is it actually such a big deal in the grand scheme of life. We can get caught up in so much emotion and at the end of the day the main things that matter are our health and our loved ones – Prioritise them and everything else will fall into place.

Thank you so much Kelly! Xxx


If you are interested in having Ally speak at an upcoming event or would like more information about Ally's Programs please book a call.

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