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How To Ask For Feedback So You Can Actually Use It

If you've ever asked for feedback and felt like you didn't get anything useful out of it, you're not alone. It's not always easy to know how to ask for feedback in a way that will actually be helpful, but it is possible. With a little thought and preparation, you can learn how to ask for feedback in a way that will give you the information you need to improve. The first step is to be very clear about what kind of feedback you want. Do you want feedback on your performance? On a specific project? On your behaviour in meetings? Once you know what area you want feedback on, you can craft your question accordingly. For example, if you want feedback on your performance, you might ask "What two or three things could I do to be even more effective in my role?" Asking open-ended questions like this will give the person giving feedback more room to provide useful information. It's also important to think about who you want to ask for feedback from. If you're asking for feedback from your manager, they may be more likely to focus on your work performance. If you're asking for feedback from your peers, they may be more likely to focus on your behaviour in meetings or other interactions. Be sure to take this into account when deciding who to ask for feedback from. Finally, remember that feedback is most useful when it's specific and actionable. When you're asking for feedback, be sure to clarify that you're looking for specific examples and suggestions for improvement. This will help the person giving feedback to understand what kind of information would be most helpful to you.

Asking for feedback can be a great way to get important information that can help you improve at work. However, it's important to know how to ask for feedback in a way that will actually be useful. By being clear about what kind of feedback you want and who you want to ask for it, you can set yourself up for success. And by remembering that specific and actionable feedback is most useful, you can ensure that the feedback you receive is actually helpful.

Until next time, Eat the Frog, Get the Bird, Be the Worm, and SOAR!!!


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