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# 1 AMAZON Bestseller.


A New Era Of Leadership
In recent years leaders are looking for a better way to lead and engage their people. With constant and relentless change being the norm today, leaders are trying to do more with less, remain customer-centric and keep their teams adapting to the new world of work. The challenge all leaders face today is finding and keeping great people; to feel them connected and engaged. To do this leaders need to be able to be courageous, have Courageous Conversations and drive a culture of courage in their organisations.

Are you ready to step u to the next era of leadership?

Rise of the Courageous Leader outlines the important skills you need to start flexing to make leadership easier, more enjoyable and more impactful. It explores and uncovers the soft skills you need to lead yourself, lead your team, and lead your organisation. 

Rise of the Courageous Leaders is a practical approach to leadership to inspire you as a leader, influence your team and have a massive impact within your organisation. It does. a deep dive into how leaders can really lead their teams with connection, empathy and courage. 

Buying For Your Team?

Buy 20+ copies and receive a complimentary virtual Lunch & Learn for your team

Buy 50+ copies and received a complimentary virtual Masterclass for your team or organisation


About the author
2 x Best selling Author, Business award winner, and recipient of the 2022 Kerrie Nairn Scholarship (Professional Speakers Australia), 40 under 40 nominee, Ally Nitschke is a Leadership Expert, Courageous Conversation Specialist and Global Speaker. 

Obsessed with courage, and flexing your courage muscle, Ally helps leaders to build their confidence, improve their communication and level up their leadership to truly connect with and influence their team. 

Ally has helped thousands of leaders develop their Confidence, Communication and Clarity. She typically speaks at conferences, runs workshops, and transformational programs and coaches and practices her courageous conversations while running a household with 4 little boys aged 8 and under. 

Rise Of The Courageous Leader

GST Included
  • Introduction

    Part 1: Lead YourSelf





    Part 2: Lead Your Team





    Part 3: Lead Your Organisation






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